Friday, October 17, 2008

You Go Girl!

I had my suspicions that this "You Go Girl" on the corner of Edgewood and Krog was done by the Blah Girl Creator, but felt sure once Lori also pointed it out.

Any thoughts on the monster tags that are going up on Boulevard and around the neighborhood - some say "rawr" and some say "sorry" across the mouth (backwards r's) - are also done by our Girl creator?


Amber Rhea said...

I love the "Sorry" tags! Keep wanting to snap some photos of them... I need to start carrying my camera w/ me again.

Sara Ashes said...

Amber, you just let me know when and where you want to start collecting "sorry" art! ;)

kneesee said...

how excited was i to find this blog.... i absolutely adore the blahgirl and have a two photos of her tags in my flickr stream.. come visit! i also added this to my blogroll.


Sara Ashes said...

Welcome kneesee! I'm so glad you found this! I saw your pics- i think that one is from East ATlanta (in my post "Sugar Britches") and then is the other one MJQ? Would love for you to share any others htat you come across- I haven't seen any new ones myself in a while!

kneesee said...

i certainly will keep an eye out, btw if you do a search for blahgirl on flickr you will find sooo many great photos!

Anonymous said...

yeah sorry and rawr are to diff. people not a lot of people like sorry in the graffiti world so you see people going over him a lot.