Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Reynoldstown Building By the Bridge

A couple weeks ago on a bright beautiful sunny Sunday in Atlanta, I left the house ostensibly to run errands. Halfway down Boulevard I realized I didn't have the slightest interest in shops and the like and instead decided to visit my best friend in Reynolds-Cabbage. Instead of taking Pearl from Memorial as I usually do, I took Chester and happened to notice this amazing rickety old bridge down Fulton Terrace. The sun glowed over the top of the arc of the bridge and I just knew there was a Girl to be found.

I turned onto Fulton Terrace which becomes Mauldin when you cross under the bridge and immediately I saw this warehouse:

It was like a game, finding the Girls amongst this incredible collection of Atlanta's tags. Then of course, there she was on a door:

And again, growing up from the ground sporting a thought bubble and boobs that were not her own.

Sadly, both of these Girls were clearly very old compared to other pieces on the building. I think this is even more proof that the Girl may be gone- but hopefully just on sabbatical.


Anonymous said...

The blah girl days is almost over for you . you did the tag you just live down the street like a block away . You did the tag as well as others around where you live .

Sara Ashes said...

awww...nothing like an anonymous comment to inspire pity. and then add on to it pure stupidity! hey "anonymous". read my blog and realize that you don't know what you're talking about:

Anonymous said...

You know what Im talking about YOUR A TAGGER with this said your next . STOP TAGGING . AND YES I KNOW YOU

Sara Ashes said...

haha- the only thing i've spraypainted in over a decade was a model dinosaur (its gold glitter) that sits in my living room. and you're clearly a moron who can't spell!

get a life!