All credit for this Girl goes to a favorite Friend of Blah Girl, Shawn- thanks so much! Shawn writes:
First, thanks again for you site. And truthfully, I had given up on see a new Blah girl. Not that I stopped from looking at(or looking for) new street art during my travels through the city, but the thought of an artist not creating art is a saddening thing. No matter the artist.
Anyway, on to the Blah girl. I made a wrong turn, coming out of the Krog St. tunnel going into Cabbagetown, instead of making a left on Wylie I made a right. And after going this way for a short time I realized I made the wrong. So, I needed to double back to get going in the right direction on Wylie and as I was about the start to make my right turn on Wylie and head in the right direction I saw a Blah Girl. So, I made followed this correcting route again to get a picture of her. It was easy to get to her again, all the roads (except Wylie) are one way. So, go on Wylie, to Savannah, to Pickett to Berean, and just before you get back to Wylie the Blah Girl is on a fence on the right.
But I'm not sure if this is a new Blah Girl. The tag next to her goes over the top of her, instead of the other way.
I really love this particular shot that Shawn sent that shows a larger view of the fence covered with a great collection of the many different tags that define this part of our city: